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问题描述: 想在.Net下实现对一些非规则窗体,没有Caption,FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;窗体的拖拽,最小化,最大化,特殊操作的实现(如图1所示)。在黄色的区域即区域1里实现对窗体的拖拽操作,在橙色区域即区域2里实现对窗体的最小化操作,在蓝色区域即区域3里实现对窗体的关闭操作,在绿色区域即区域4里实现对窗体的特殊操作(如双倍窗体)。
问题实现: 第一种方法 添加Label为Label添加Click事件。(如图2所示) 如果要用这种方法实现,就要为每一个颜色区域进行切图,并要保证有正确的切图长和宽,然后设置Label的背景为这个图片。
(图2) 处理他们的Click事件,拖拽处理MouseDown MouseUp事件。 第二中方法 不添加Label只处理鼠标事件,判断鼠标的位置然后决定执行什么操作,这种方法很耗费资源,每次鼠标点击就要判断,鼠标是否在某个区域然后决定是否要处理。不过这个处理用多态包装了。程序看起来比较整齐。 //定义常量 private Point point; private const int dragMove=172; private const int dragMin=72; private const int dragClose=72; private const int dragDouble=78; private const int dragHeight=29; private MouseHandleEnum dragEnum; //定义MouseDown事件 private void DragMain_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { point.X=e.X; point.Y=e.Y; if(e.Y<dragHeight) { if(e.X<dragMove) { dragEnum = MouseHandleEnum.Move; return; } if(e.X<dragMove+dragMin) { dragEnum = MouseHandleEnum.Min; return; } if(e.X<dragMove+dragMin+dragClose) { dragEnum = MouseHandleEnum.Close; return; } if(e.X<dragMove+dragMin+dragClose+dragDouble) { dragEnum = MouseHandleEnum.Double; return; } }
//定义MouseUp事件 private void DragMain_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { point.X=e.X-point.X; point.Y=e.Y-point.Y; IDragMouse idragMouse; switch(dragEnum) { case MouseHandleEnum.Move : idragMouse = new MouseMove(point,this); break; case MouseHandleEnum.Min : idragMouse = new MouseMin(point,this); break; case MouseHandleEnum.Close : idragMouse = new MouseClose(point,this); break; case MouseHandleEnum.Double : idragMouse = new MouseDouble(point,this); break; default: idragMouse = null; break; } if(idragMouse!=null) idragMouse.MouseDo(); } } //定义基类 namespace DragMouse { public enum MouseHandleEnum { None=0, Move=1, Min=2, Close=3, Double=4, } public class DragMouseBase { protected Point point; public Form form; public DragMouseBase(Point point, Form form) { this.point = point; this.form = form; } } } //定义接口 namespace DragMouse { /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public interface IDragMouse { void MouseDo(); } } //拖拽操作 namespace DragMouse { /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public class MouseClose : DragMouseBase,IDragMouse { public MouseClose(Point point,Form form):base(point,form) { // // TODO: Add constructor logic here // } #region IDragMouse Members
public void MouseDo() { Application.Exit(); // TODO: Add MouseClose.MouseDo implementation }
#endregion } } //其他操作类似。 第三种方法 是用责任链这个设计模式来包装鼠标的点击操作,把操作分配到各个责任链的节点上,是程序更加面向对象,有更好的扩展性。
//两个鼠标事件 private void DragMain_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { request.GetInformation(e.X,e.Y);
private void DragMain_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { request.SetScreenPoint(e.X,e.Y);
//封装的请求类 public class Request { public int iScreenX; public int iScreenY;
public int eX; public int eY;
public readonly int yHigh; public readonly int dragLength; public readonly int minLength; public readonly int closeLength; public readonly int doubleLength;
private DragHandler dragHandler; private MinHandler minHandler; private CloseHandler closeHandler; private DoubleHandler doubleHandler;
public Form parentForm;
public void SetScreenPoint(int iX,int iY) { iScreenX = iX; iScreenY = iY; dragHandler.HandleRequest(this); }
public void GetInformation(int ex,int ey) { eX=ex; eY=ey; }
public Request(int yhigh,int draglength,Form form) { yHigh = yhigh; dragLength = draglength; parentForm = form; dragHandler = new DragHandler(); minHandler =new MinHandler(); closeHandler = new CloseHandler(); doubleHandler = new DoubleHandler();
dragHandler.SetSuccessor(minHandler); minHandler.SetSuccessor(closeHandler); closeHandler.SetSuccessor(doubleHandler); }
public Request(int yhigh,int draglength,int minlength,Form form):this(yhigh,draglength,form) { minLength = minlength; }
public Request(int yhigh,int draglength,int minlength,int closelength,Form form):this(yhigh,draglength,minlength,form) { closeLength = closelength; }
public Request(int yhigh,int draglength,int minlength,int closelength, int doublelength , Form form):this(yhigh,draglength,minlength,closelength,form) { doubleLength = doublelength; }
} //拖拽操作 public class DragHandler : Handler { override public void HandleRequest(Request request) { // determine if we can handle the request if ((request.eY<request.yHigh)&&(request.eX<request.dragLength)) // some complex decision making! { request.parentForm.Left += request.iScreenX-request.eX; request.parentForm.Top += request.iScreenY-request.eY;
// request handling code goes here } else { // not handled here - pass on to next in the chain if (successorHandler != null) successorHandler.HandleRequest(request); } } } //其他操作类似
第四种方法 (只是有想法还没有找到成功的实现办法) 在MFC中可以用PostMessage或者SendMessag发消息,当鼠标单击,但不在窗体的CaptionTitle上时,发一个消息告诉系统鼠标在CaptionTitle(每个窗口自己TitleBar)上,这样窗口的拖拽就可以由系统托管了。现在实现了在窗口中任意位置单击鼠标拖拽窗体。但是没有实现上面要求的那些多样化操作。
if(point.y<this->m_Height) { //发消息给系统伪装鼠标在Caption Bar 上。 if(point.x<this->m_Drag) { PostMessage(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, MAKELPARAM(point.x,point.y)); return; } if(point.x<this->m_Drag+this->m_Min&&point.x>this->m_Drag) { PostMessage(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTMINBUTTON, MAKELPARAM(point.x,point.y)); return; } if(point.x<this->m_Drag+this->m_Min+this->m_Close&&point.x>this->m_Drag+this->m_Min) { PostMessage(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCLOSE, MAKELPARAM(point.x,point.y)); return; } if(point.x<this->m_Drag+this->m_Min+this->m_Close+this->m_Double&&point.x>this->m_Drag+this->m_Min+this->m_Close) { CRgn *rgn = new CRgn(); CRect *rect =new CRect(); this->GetWindowRect(*rect); this->SetWindowRgn(*rgn,true); return; }
} 遗憾 第四种方法是效率最高的,但是没有完全搞出来。 本文所有事例程序在中文WindowsXp Sp2 + VC7 下编译通过
File: 本文源程序
#re:将拖拽进行到底 10/25/2006 12:48:22 AM Guy...you are real...i like you...write me :) i want to see you...