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About Me |
ZhangSichu |
Male |
32 |
ZhangSichu@gmail.com |
ZhangSichu@hotmail.com |
ZhangSichu.com |
weibo.com/zhangsichu |
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Asp.Net 直接写一个Excel文件流
this.Page.Response.Clear(); this.Page.Response.BufferOutput = true; //Define Chareset this.Page.Response.Charset = "GB2312"; //For download. //Define type. this.Page.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename = ExcelFile.xls"); //Define encoding. this.Page.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"); //Define Application type. this.Page.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-Excel";
string strExcelHeader = string.Empty; string strExcelItems = string.Empty;
//Write header; //Please pay a ation to the character "\t" strExcelHeader = "Column1\tColumn2\tColumn3\tColumn4\tColumn5\tColumn6\tColumn7\tColumn8\ttColumn9\t\n"; strExcelItems = "1 \t2 \t3 \t4 \t5 \t6 \t7 \t8 \t9 \t\n"; //Write Excel header. this.Page.Response.Write(strExcelHeader);
//Write a Excel item. this.Page.Response.Write(strExcelItems);