


  • Modernizr : Javascript library for feature detection and control fallback cases of HTML5.
  • html5 shiv : Javascript patch to make IE support, and print, the new tag elements.
  • HTML5 Boilerplate : An set of HTML/CSS/JS templates with best practices for HTML5 and front-end dev built in.
  • HTML5 Cross-browser Polyfills : The collection of scripts that enable HTML5 features in all browsers.
  • CSS Button Maker : Preview CSS buttons with a fancy interface to play with the parameters.
  • CSS3 Generator : Preview CSS buttons with a fancy interface to play with the parameters.
  • CSS3 Sandbox : Test and get the code of the fanciest CSS features.
  • CSS3 Gradient Generator : Generate CSS code for gradients on the fly.
  • CSS3 Please : Use CSS3 without having to worry about xbrowser differences.
  • Font Dragr : Test your fonts using drag and drop.
  • Font Squirrel Generator : Most complete tool to generate code for you font-face support.
  • Let's make the web faster : Complete list of tools related to web performance.

